Unlock Creativity



Businesses around the world are tapping into intuition, creativity and discovery to empower employees, teams and managers to find new ways to break through the innovation barrier.

Learn about our workshops to begin the innovation process, or choose our worklife balance option to help employees find balance through their own insights and discovery.



Are you a leader, coach, HR professional, counselor/therapist, teacher, facilitator,consultant, or just a human being with a curious mind?

Welcome to the world of Points of You®. In this exciting, 6-hour workshop you will get a taste of the Points of You® methodology and tools, experience a unique form of communication and dialogue and add new skills to your professional know how.

Completing the Hello Points Workshop makes you a Points of You® Explorer.

Unlock Creativity
  • Points of You® concept The world of Points of You® and the way it works.
  • MyStory with Punctum Re-frame an empowering life story with the brilliance of Punctum.
  • Points of You® cards Learn how to use an exclusive technique of photo observation to gain new points of view.
  • Layout Charts Map your thoughts and feelings with a tailor-made,one-on-one, coaching tool for self-exploration.
  • Zooming in with the Coaching Game Go on a speed date with your thoughts and insights.Experience fun and easy-going process that goes surprisingly deep.
  • Interested? Learn more by joining our contact list. We’ll let you know when there are upcoming events

We use innovative, fun methods and tools to facilitate meaningful discussions, lessen conflicts and build bridges between people. A cornerstone of the Points of You® method is the interaction between the right brain, the intuitive and emotional half of the brain, and the left brain, focused on logic and analysis. This occurs when we look at a photograph and a word at the same time.

The photograph stimulates our right, creative, brain while the word activates the left, analytical, brain. The simultaneous stimulation of the two brain hemispheres creates a struggle between the emotional and the rational, momentarily “shorting out” the vigilant defense mechanisms of our mind. This “deliberate confusion” gives the mind a short respite from our preconceived ideas on how things “should” or “ought” to be, and allows our mind to open up to new places inside ourselves, shifting our point of view.

Unlock Creativity
This “deliberate confusion” gives the mind a short respite from our preconceived ideas on how things “should” or “ought” to be, and allows our mind to open up to new places inside ourselves, shifting our point of view.

We purposefully leave a space wide enough for personal interpretation, a personal inter-space.This unique inner motion creates a new response, resulting in emotions and insights that are new to our mind and heart.The method is designed like a sine wave. At its starting point we are wide open and exposed to many points of view regarding our theme of choice: relationships, parenting, career, health or any other issue. After expanding our points of view, it’s time to focus. The focusing process involves being precise and selecting the most significant insight for our specific issue. In the last stage we take our insights into the practical world – tachles, and outline

Unlock Creativity
To schedule a stand-alone event for your organization,tell us about your goals:

    Download Terry’s Feature Article, “Creative Coaching,” from Choice: The Magazine of Professional Coaching.


    Work-Life Balance

    Points of You for Work-Life Integration

    Drawing on the tools and framework established by Points of You, this workshop is for anyone who wants to get to know themselves and others, see pathways to healther integration of work and everyday life.

    Explore your current condition, establish a vision for the future, and develop steps to take you along the way.

    • a process for charting your path
    • photo cards to evoke new thinking
    • a guidebook you can refer to
    • an experience you’ll never forget

    Order Points of You Cards

    The Cards Aid the process….

    Our games are based on associative links between photograph, theme and the issue we have chosen. Each photograph depicted on the Points of You® cards was selected out of thousands of available photographs to achieve this one purpose: introducing a theme through visual stimulus that has no direct or obvious connection to it, thus stimulating our entire rational and emotional system.

    The cards are the tool used to facilitate the interplay of intuition and logic. There are three unique decks available. For more,

    Download the POINTS OF YOU® card deck descriptions and order request today!

    Download the Order Form

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    (720) 318-6625

    447 Cobble Dr, Montrose, CO 81403





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      Terry Hildebrandt and Associates, LLC