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The benefits of choosing Dr. Terry Hildebrandt to implement Hogan Assessments are numerous for your business. Well-developed and competent employees are crucial to business success. However, due to the cost-driven atmosphere and budgetary restrictions, many companies are left struggling to provide their key employees with critical development opportunities. When you want to develop your employees and increase productivity, it is important to get a corporate coach.

Terry Hildebrandt and Associates, LLC offers internationally recognized Hogan assessments to help your company develop leaders, identify talent, and develop employees. Hogan assessment practices and business tools were developed by an international authority with over 30 years of experience in the personality assessment field. These tools and practices have produced excellent results for both small private firms and Fortune 500 companies. Here are some reasons why you should choose Terry Hildebrandt to implement the Hogan assessment tools at your organization.

Hogan assessments help identify future leaders within a company

The Hogan assessments are among the most widely validated personality used to measure reputation. They deliver significant benefits in matching personality to the requirements of a role. Hogan assessments are crucial for developing leaders and in helping to identify and grow future leaders.

Help Assess Newly Hired Leaders

Hogan assessments help in identifying characteristics for success and possible setbacks which helps in developing the correct on-boarding strategies. Terry Hildebrandt will teach you how to combine the Hogan assessment tools with long interviews to get strong insights that can help your organization to identify possible challenges of a leader before they crop up. His team will help you develop a comprehensive leadership development strategy to ensure that these challenges are compensated for beforehand allowing for a successful transition. Additionally, Terry Hildebrandt will show you how to use Hogan assessments to interpret responses, gauge cultural fit, and make recommendations on the correct on-boarding strategies for newly hired leaders.

Enable a Company to Invest in Top Talent to Increase Retention and Show Value

Hogan assessments can be very effective when administered to employees identified as high-potential talent for the development track. Leadership assessments like Hogan Assessments help demonstrate employees’ importance to the company and also to invest in their career development. Our team will teach you how to interpret responses from the Hogan assessments to determine the developmental activities that will offer the most benefit to the employees’ needs, their career desires, and the organization’s goals.

Hogan Assessments Help Employees to Achieve Their Professional Goals

Coaching empowers people to develop their strengths, face their challenges, and achieve their career goals in a supportive environment. Since the Hogan assessment process is collaborative and respectful, it allows employees to achieve clearer focus, increased insight, and more effective action. Terry Hildebrandt will teach you how to use Hogan assessments to help individual leaders and employees to accept change and flow with it, enabling them to continually adapt to new settings.

We will teach you how to use Hogan assessments to ensure you increase both profits and productivity. By using Hogan Assessments as part of your development, you will be able to determine how employees are different, know what drives them, and add value by retaining high-potential talent. Hogan assessments will help take your company to the next level.

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A Hogan Inventory: The Best Way to Manage Human Resources and Increase Productivity Regardless of the current economic circumstances, your employees remain your competitive advantage. If they don’t operate at their full potential, they will eventually impact your company’s bottom line. All successful companies understand the value of their employees and continually invest in developing new and existing employees. There are different assessments available for employee selection, evaluating leadership potential, and hiring the right people and Hogan stands out as one of the leading suite of tools.

A Hogan inventory helps companies to succeed and achieve their goals and objectives. When you want your company to be noticed amidst your competitors, hire a professional coach, like Terry Hildebrandt and Associates to teach you how to implement a Hogan inventory.

These top inventories include:

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Motives, Values and Preferences Inventory (MVPI)

This inventory reveals an individual’s core values, interests, and goals that influence his choices and decisions. Dr. Terry Hildebrandt will help you to understand how this Hogan inventory reveals the fit between an employee and his department, team, and corporate culture. The Hogan inventory helps to identify the areas of conflict and compatibility among team members in your company. It helps an organization to identify the forces that drive its culture and gives precise insight for motivating, managing, and rewarding employees. This Hogan inventory was developed as a result of extensive research and is comprised of 10 factors that provide a comprehensive analysis of the inner values and motives of an individual. The results obtained from this inventory can help companies to determine which specific job, environment, and type of position will be most motivating for an employee. This information can help companies to hire employees with values that match those of the company.

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The Hogan Personality Inventory

This Hogan inventory is widely used by organizations and consultants world-wide to give insight into the bright side of an individual’s personality. It is used to study behavioral tendencies which can be quickly noticed and capable of improving job performance. The inventory has been used for over 20 years to effectively help companies reduce turnover, poor customer service, shrinkage, absenteeism, and to predict employee performance. Dr. Terry Hildebrandt will show you how to use this Hogan inventory to strengthen your talent management processes, leadership development, employee selection, and succession planning. Whether you are enhancing your executives’ development or executing an organizational evaluation process, this Hogan inventory will help you to identify the major factors that differentiate personalities and determine career success.

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Hogan Development Survey

Improve Your Employees’ Interpersonal Skills with the Hogan Development Survey

Relationships at work usually determine how successful a person will be. Whether you are an employee trying to achieve great results, or you’re a manager trying to create a great team, your achievements are usually determined by your ability to interact well with others.

When an organization wants to determine employee behavior patterns that may be detrimental to its success, it uses different assessment tools. One such tool is the Hogan Development Survey. The Hogan Development survey measures a person’s ability to interact with others based on his interpersonal behavior. Some behaviors exhibited by individuals help them to interact well with others while others can undermine their careers and damage their relationships without them being aware.

These harmful behaviors usually appear when a person is stressed, tired, distracted, or bored. When a person is under a lot of pressure, a perfectly acceptable personality trait can become a negative one. Additionally, harmful responses and behaviors people often suppress can appear in times of stress. For example, a naturally-cautious person can be beneficial to the company when options have to be carefully considered before decisions are made. However, under pressure, the employee’s cautiousness can quickly turn into indecision delaying decisions unnecessarily. This type of behavior can lead to further problems which could have been dealt with from the start.

Companies looking to uncover and neutralize the harmful and negative elements of their employees’ personalities should hire a corporate coach to show them how to implement the Hogan Development Survey. This Hogan Development Survey helps employees understand how their preferences and behaviors can possibly damage their relationships with team members, leaders, and clients. Terry Hildebrandt and Associates has experience in implementing the Hogan Development Survey and is the best team to show you how to implement it to help your employees become self-aware of their harmful habits. The Hogan Development Survey will help them to improve or change those habits completely.

How Does the Hogan Development Survey Determine Success?

The Hogan Development Survey is comprised of 11 scales that measure behavioral tendencies that can affect an employee’s success as they work with others in a team. If an employee scores 70 percent and above in any of the scales, he is most likely to display the negative behavioral tendencies associated with that dimension. The scales are usually interpreted in terms of risk; a higher score indicates a higher potential for problems at work. The Hogan Development Survey provides excellent feedback for strategic self-awareness, helping employees to avoid the harmful consequences associated with these tendencies. It helps employees to change or improve their bad habits and become successful at their careers.

What the Hogan Development Survey Measures

  • Excitable: This scale measures interpersonal skills, ability to work under pressure, and teamwork.
  • Skeptical: This measures the extent to which an employee is argumentative, interpersonal skills, and critical thinking.
  • Cautious: This measures ability to make decisions, ability to take control, and adaptability.
  • Reserved: This scale measures communication skills, teamwork skills, and interpersonal skills.
  • Leisurely: This measures the adaptability, assertiveness, and work ethic of the employee.
  • Bold: This scale measures willingness to take responsibility and self-confidence.
  • Mischievous: This measures the tendency to “test” rules, take risks, impulsiveness, and intuitiveness.
  • Colorful: This scale measures listening skills, productivity, and how much an employee seeks attention.
  • Imaginative: This scale measures ability to influence others, foresight, and creativity.
  • Diligent: This scale measures the ability to delegate, attention to detail, and productivity.
  • Dutiful: This measures how compliant the employee is, decision-making skills, and ability to conform.

If you want to improve your employees’ interpersonal skills and help them move forward in their career, have Terry Hildebrandt teach and implement the Hogan Development Survey in your company. The Hogan Development Survey helps identify potential problem areas that can be addressed with training and development.

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The Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory

The Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory assesses an individual’s ability to make business related decisions and to solve problems using graphic, textual, and quantitative data. Psychologists generally believe that cognitive ability is the main predictor of occupational performance and outcomes like wealth, health, and life satisfaction. This inventory measures a person’s reasoning ability based on an intelligence theory and predicts real-world performance. This Hogan inventory measures international constructs of strategic and tactical reasoning that impact a person’s ability to process complex and dense information as found in the real world. It greatly varies from a traditional IQ test that provides very narrow and specific information. Terry Hildebrandt will show you how to use this Hogan inventory to predict an employee’s reasoning ability required for successful workplace performance. You will be able to use it to facilitate candidate screening and professional development for managerial and leadership positions.

Each Hogan inventory is used extensively world-wide in employee selection, job placement, predicting job performance, and succession planning. Dr. Terry Hildebrandt will show you how to implement a Hogan inventory effectively to optimize human resources and increase productivity.

Sample Hogan Assessments

  • The Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) – Potential Report Download PDF
  • Hogan Development Survey (HDS) – Leadership Challenge ReportDownload PDF
  • Motives, Values and Preferences Inventory (MVPI) – Values Report Download PDF
  • Coaching Report Download PDF


Contact Terry Hildebrandt and Associates, LLC to schedule a consultation and learn more about Hogan Assessments – 720-318-6625.

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(720) 318-6625

447 Cobble Dr, Montrose, CO 81403





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