Myers-Briggs Type Indicator - MBTI briggs

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is one of the most respected and popular personality type tools used in the world. It is based on the research by the famous Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. MBTI helps people realize why differences arise in the work place. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is an easy-to-understand framework, which will help your team to strengthen and build their work environment relationships.

Myers-Briggs dichotomy

The 4 psychological dichotomies of Myers-Briggs are listed below:

1. MBTI Extroversion: Introversion

This Myers-Briggs Type Indicator dichotomy addresses the flow of energy.

  • Extroverts get energy from events, socializing and seek more social contact. They reveal their feelings, improve by talking, and work effectively in groups.
  • Introverts have a preference for being alone, private reflection, self-discovery and self-examination. They hide their own feelings, choose to work alone, and learn by observing others.

2. MBTI Sensing: Intuition

This Myers-Briggs Type Indicator dichotomy is how people learn information.

  • Sensing people apply their 5 physical senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch) to read and explore the world. They like real-life cases, prefer practical things, and find the acts while probably missing the key idea.
  • Intuitive people would like to rely on their instincts. They work based on feelings and hunches, utilize their imagination, and get the key idea while missing a few of the facts.

3. MBTI Thinking: Feeling

  • Thinking people use logical and objective ideas to find a solution. They usually ask ‘Why?’ and indulge in debates.
  • Feelers are sensitive, tender and feel a lot more empathy. They’ll use lots of words, and they also prefer a harmonious relationship, agreement, and encouraging and helping others.

4. MBTI Judging: Perceiving

This Myers-Briggs Type Indicator dichotomy is how people deal with the world.

  • Judging individuals are purposeful, and they like a proper structure, rules, plans and organization.
  • Perceiving people prefer a relaxed and laid-back approach. They are flexible, ready to accept change, and love to explore.

Although one edge of each dichotomy is considered to be dominant, this does not mean it is the only way connections are made with the world. This is usually the style and preference you use naturally according to the MBTI dichotomies.

So if you are an individual who relies primarily on feelings, you are also like most people, just as likely to incorporate objective criteria in making decisions. What this does imply is that your first inclination is to use feelings.

Dr. Terry Hildebrandt and his team are trained Myers-Briggs consultants. We can help you and your organization realize greater competency and productivity in your workplace with the Myers Briggs program. MBTI can deliver this higher level of workplace optimization and smooth the workplace environment

Completing a Myers-Briggs evaluation lets your employees explore their persona, and reading their Myers-Briggs Type Indicator profile can definitely be enlightening. By realizing the preferred and best style of each person in your organization, you have an opportunity help your employees understand their own strengths and better work with people with different personalities. MBTI will assist each individual in becoming a well rounded, and much more effective professional, which will help you in achieving wonderful professional landmarks for your organization or company.

Download a Sample MBTI Step II

Myers-Briggs Step III briggs

MBTI is an instrument that was designed and developed by Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother, Katharine C. Briggs, during World War II. They were motivated by the theories of psychologist Carl Jung, and they applied these theories to help civilians choose war-time jobs well-suited to their personality differences. The MBTI system proved to be successful in assisting in evaluating people, and to provide their descriptive personal profiles based on their personality types according to Jung’s theories.

Later, a team of type experts studied and tested Myers’ research and enhanced it into a number of steps, with MBTI Step III being the most useful indicator in the assessment of a healthy personality.

MBTI Step III is an indicator that completes Myer’s extensive work on an aspect of typology that she studied on the early stages of the indicator. Her first overriding goal was not only to give people an opportunity to access their Jungian type but also to help them make the most effective use of their type. The main objective of the MBTI Step III Certification program is to furnish its participants with the basic knowledge of the Step III approach. Actually, MBTI Step III analysis actualizes Myers’ purpose of assisting people to use their normal types as effectively as possible.

Myers-Briggs Dichotomy

Ideally, the MBTI Step III system works by testing how participants respond to questions that are meant to provide an overall outlook of their personal preferences. The assessment is then scored in a way that portrays the respondent’s current ways of employing perception and judgment and hence the likelihood of the effectiveness of those uses is then presumed to be a clue of type development. MBTI Step III scoring is only interpreted within the context of the respondent’s healthy personality, as with all aspects of the MBTI instrument.

However, in depth sessions with an MBTI Step III professional can only help the participant in the exploration of the identified issues. This way, one can gain the most essential insight of how to become more effective in the use of their type naturally. In order to enhance one’s type development through dialog with a professional, a highly individualized MBTI Step III Interpretive Report, comprising of suggestions and statements, is then designed.

MBTI is becoming one of the most popular evaluative tools in the modern world. Many people in the business world generally understand the MBTI system can be very useful. However not enough know how effective the MBTI Step III program is and how it’s being used increasingly by companies for leadership development, communication development, stress management development and conflict management development.

The development of these traits through MBTI Step III can enable greater cooperation and conflict resolution among employees. This can build strong, healthy relationships within your company that result in impressive productivity gains.

Dr. Terry Hildebrandt is one of a very few individuals globally that is certified as an MBTI Step III professional. Let Terry help you understand how MBTI Step III can help your organization as well as to know its limitations.

Terry and his team can develop a specific plan for you and your company to realize the benefits of the MBTI program. Let us design training for specific employee needs and identify leadership potential among your employees.

Download a Sample MBTI Step III

Contact Terry Hildebrandt and Associates, LLC to schedule a consultation and learn more about MBTI Steps I, II, and III – 720-318-6625.

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447 Cobble Dr, Montrose, CO 81403





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